Pure actuality is an attribute of God that is rarely discussed.  By “actuality” is meant that which is in act or that which is existence.  Actuality is simply that which is existence without the potential not to exist or be anything other than existence. Pure actuality has no potential to change, thus God is immutable or unchanging.  There are biblical, theological, and historical bases for God’s pure actuality. 

God exists independently of all else.

“In the beginning God…” (Gen 1:1) “He is before all things.” (Col 1:17) “I am the alpha and omega.” (Rev 1:8) “(And now Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the orld began.” (John 17:5) 

God gives existence to everything else.

God existed before everything else. He existed prior to everything else that exists and he is also the cause of everything else that exists.  “In the beginning God created…” (Gen 1:1)  “For by him all things were created,…all things were created by him and for him.” (Col 1:16)

The God of the Bible not only existed before all things, but all things also exist because of Him.  He is Pure existence, who gave existence to everything else that exists.  Without Him nothings else would be.

Not only does the Bible describe God as Pure Existence with no potential for nonexistence, but here are also many solid theological arguments to support the same conclusion.  His pure actuality can come from His uncausality and necessity.

Just a side note.  Colossians is in direct reference to Jesus Christ who was God in the flesh. God incarnate!

